Playing Sports with Braces: What You Need to Know

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Braces are strong, reliable, and successful appliances that finally give you the smile you have always wanted. Many people have a hard time deciding on the braces treatment, especially because of sports, but we are here to help you feel better about wearing braces while playing sports.

Can I still play sports if I have braces?
This question not only applies to children and teens, but it also applies to adults. Sports are a big part of many people’s lives, and we are not here to take that away from you; we are here to give you the smile of your dreams. So, the answer to your question is yes. Yes, you can play sports with braces. And no, your braces will not cause you any trouble while you play.

How do I protect my smile?
While you play sports, hard, forceful objects are likely to hit your mouth, which is why it is wise to protect your smile with an orthodontic mouth guard, whether you are a soccer player, gymnast, skate boarder, basketball player, biker, etc.

What is an orthodontic mouth guard?
An orthodontic mouth guard is a small, removable, and portable appliance that is made of silicone, rubber, and other protective materials. A mouth guard is made to fit over your teeth and braces to provide the protection you need when those sports balls, elbows, and knees hit your mouth. There are many different kinds of mouth guards available today, including boil-and-bite, custom, and stock mouth guards, but if you want a guard that fits perfectly over your smile without any trouble, call our office today and schedule an appointment regarding a custom mouth guard.

What happens if my mouth is injured while wearing braces?
If you ever experience an oral injury while wearing braces, call our office as soon as possible. To keep your mouth from being injured, we strongly recommend wearing a mouth guard while you play sports. If you do not, your brackets can break, your gums can bleed, and you can fracture your teeth. In addition to the throbbing pain, you can also receive a broken and unattractive smile if you refrain from wearing a mouth guard.

If you would like to learn more about playing sports with braces, call our office today and talk to a member of our team. We are happy to help you feel comfortable while you play the sports you love!