Invisalign® To-Don’t Do List

Invisalign® aligners are a wonderful modern advancement in dental technology that has made the process of straightening teeth less complicated and less socially awkward. Because aligners are so much easier and self-contained than before, some people forget that there are things that you cannot do with them. Below is a quick To-don't list: 1.) You shouldn't eat or drink with... read more »

To-Do Tips to Clean Your Invisalign® Aligners

It's exciting to get new Invisalign® aligners and to anticipate the end result of a bright, uniform smile. While Invisalign aligners are self-contained, removable, and fairly easily maintained, it’s important that you clean them along with your daily teeth brushing routine. This will keep them odor-free and invisible to the naked eye. There are no complex cleaning techniques or expensive... read more »